
news/2024/7/4 23:08:11 标签: javadoc, reference, documentation, path, button, c
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文献出处: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/tooldocs/windows/class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc.html#examples


ckquote> You can run class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc on entire packages or individual source files. Each package name has a corresponding directory name. In the following examples, the source files are located at <code>C:/home/src/java/awt/*javacode>. The destination directory is <code>C:/home/htmlcode>.

Documenting One or More Packages

To document a package, the source files ( <code>*.javacode>) for that package must be located in a directory having the same name as the package. If a package name is made up of several identifiers (separated by dots, such as <code>java.awt.colorcode>), each subsequent identifier must correspond to a deeper subdirectory (such as <code>java/awt/colorcode>). You may split the source files for a single package among two such directory trees located at different places, as long as <code>-sourceclass="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>pathcode> points to them both -- for example <code>src1/java/awt/colorcode> and <code>src2/java/awt/colorcode>.

You can run class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc either by changing directories (with <code>cdcode>) or by using <code>-sourceclass="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>pathcode> option. The examples below illustrate both alternatives.

  • Case 1 - Run recursively starting from one or more packages - This example uses -sourceclass="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>path so class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc can be run from any directory and -subpackages (a new 1.4 option) for recursion. It traverses the subpackages of the <code>javacode> directory excluding packages rooted at <code>java.netcode> and <code>java.langcode>. Notice this excludes <code>java.lang.refcode>, a subpackage of <code>java.langcode>).
      % class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc -d /home/html -sourceclass="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>path /home/src -subpackages java -exclude java.net:java.lang

    To also traverse down other package trees, append their names to the <code>-subpackagescode> argument, such as <code>java:javax:org.xml.saxcode>.


  • Case 2 - Run on explicit packages after changing to the "root" source directory - Change to the parent directory of the fully-qualified package. Then run class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc, supplying names of one or more packages you want to document:
      C:> cd C:/home/src/
      C:> class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc -d C:/home/html java.awt java.awt.event
  • Case 3 - Run from any directory on explicit packages in a single directory tree - In this case, it doesn't matter what the current directory is. Run class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc supplying <code>-sourceclass="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>pathcode> with the parent directory of the top-level package, and supplying names of one or more packages you want to document:
      C:> class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc -d C:/home/html -sourceclass="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>path C:/home/src java.awt java.awt.event
  • Case 4 - Run from any directory on explicit packages in multiple directory trees - This is the same as case 3, but for packages in separate directory trees. Run class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc supplying <code>-sourceclass="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>pathcode> with the class="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>path to each tree's root (colon-separated) and supply names of one or more packages you want to document. All source files for a given package do not need to be located under a single root directory -- they just need to be found somewhere along the sourceclass="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>path.
      C:> class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc -d C:/home/html -sourceclass="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>path C:/home/src1;C:/home/src2 java.awt java.awt.event
Result: All cases generate HTML-formatted class="tags" href="/tags/DOCUMENTATION.html" title=documentation>documentation for the public and protected classes and interfaces in packages <code>java.awtcode> and <code>java.awt.eventcode> and save the HTML files in the specified destination directory ( <code>C:/home/htmlcode>). Because two or more packages are being generated, the document has three HTML frames -- for the list of packages, the list of classes, and the main class pages.

Documenting One or More Classes

The second way to run the Javadoc tool is by passing in one or more source files ( <code>.javacode>). You can run class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc either of the following two ways -- by changing directories (with <code>cdcode>) or by fully-specifying the class="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>path to the <code>.javacode> files. Relative class="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>paths are relative to the current directory. The <code>-sourceclass="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>pathcode> option is ignored when passing in source files. You can use command line wildcards, such as asterisk (*), to specify groups of classes.

  • Case 1 - Changing to the source directory - Change to the directory holding the <code>.javacode> files. Then run class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc, supplying names of one or more source files you want to document.
      C:> cd C:/home/src/java/awt
      C:> class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc -d C:/home/html Button.java Canvas.java Graphics*.java
    This example generates HTML-formatted class="tags" href="/tags/DOCUMENTATION.html" title=documentation>documentation for the classes <code>Buttoncode>, <code>Canvascode> and classes beginning with <code>Graphicscode>. Because source files rather than package names were passed in as arguments to class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc, the document has two frames -- for the list of classes and the main page.


  • Case 2 - Changing to the package root directory - This is useful for documenting individual source files from different subpackages off the same root. Change to the package root directory, and supply the source files with class="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>paths from the root.
      C:> cd C:/home/src
      C:> class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc -d /home/html java/awt/Button.java java/applet/Applet.java
    This example generates HTML-formatted class="tags" href="/tags/DOCUMENTATION.html" title=documentation>documentation for the classes <code>Buttoncode> and <code>Appletcode>.


  • Case 3 - From any directory - In this case, it doesn't matter what the current directory is. Run class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc supplying the absolute class="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>path (or class="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>path relative to the current directory) to the <code>.javacode> files you want to document.
      C:> class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc -d C:/home/html C:/home/src/java/awt/Button.java C:/home/src/java/awt/Graphics*.java
    This example generates HTML-formatted class="tags" href="/tags/DOCUMENTATION.html" title=documentation>documentation for the class <code>Buttoncode> and classes beginning with <code>Graphicscode>.

Documenting Both Packages and Classes

You can document entire packages and individual classes at the same time. Here's an example that mixes two of the previous examples. You can use <code>-sourceclass="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>pathcode> for the class="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>path to the packages but not for the class="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>path to the individual classes.
  C:> class="tags" href="/tags/JAVADOC.html" title=javadoc>javadoc -d C:/home/html -sourceclass="tags" href="/tags/PATH.html" title=path>path C:/home/src java.awt C:/home/src/java/applet/Applet.java
This example generates HTML-formatted class="tags" href="/tags/DOCUMENTATION.html" title=documentation>documentation for the package <code>java.awtcode> and class <code>Appletcode>. (The Javadoc tool determines the package name for <code>Appletcode> from the package declaration, if any, in the <code>Applet.javacode> source file.)





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