
news/2024/7/7 15:06:11 标签: 分布式




No compromises: distributed transactions with consistency, availability, and performance(Farm)

sharding over many servers (90 in the evaluation)
data must fit in total RAM (so no disk reads)
non-volatile RAM (so no disk writes)
one-sided RDMA (fast cross-network access to RAM)
fast user-level access to NIC
transaction+replication protocol that exploits one-sided RDMA


Q: What is RDMA? One-sided RDMA?

A: RDMA is a special feature implemented in some modern NICs (network
interface cards). The NIC looks for special command packets that
arrive over the network, and executes the commands itself (and does
not give the packets to the CPU). The commands specify memory
operations such as write a value to an address or read from an address
and send the value back over the network. In addition, RDMA NICs allow
application code to directly talk to the NIC hardware to send the
special RDMA command packets, and to be notified when the "hardware
ACK" packet arrives indicating that the receiving NIC has executed the

"One-sided" refers to a situation where application code in one
computer uses these RDMA NICs to directly read or write memory in
another computer without involving the other computer's CPU. FaRM's
"Validate" phase in Section 4 / Figure 4 uses only a one-sided read.

Don’t Settle for Eventual: Scalable Causal Consistency for Wide-Area Storage with COPS



COPS uses Lamport clocks to assign v#
  each server implements a "Lamport clock" or "logical clock"
    Tmax = highest v# seen (from self and others)
    T = max(Tmax + 1, wall-clock time)
  v# for a new put() is current T
  so: if some server has a fast clock, everyone who sees a version
    from that server will advance their Lamport clock




【request_firmware】 linux内核下载模块固件接口【转】

转自:http://blog.csdn.net/magod/article/details/6049558 [-] 8 处理固件1481 内核固件接口 1482 它如何工作14.8. 处理固件 作为一个驱动作者, 你可能发现你面对一个设备必须在它能支持工作前下载固件到它里面. 硬件市场的许多地方的竞争是如此得强烈, 以至于甚至…


在前面我们已经完成了ActiveX控件的开发,接下来的就是发布它了。 首先,我们建立一个windows安装项目,并将ActiveX控件的主输出添加到项目输出中。然后,改动ActiveX控件的主输出文件,将其Register属性改为vsdrpCOM.如图…


原文:http://www.vpser.net/manage/scp.html 1、获取远程服务器上的文件 scp -P 2222 rootwww.vpser.net:/root/lnmp0.4.tar.gz /home/lnmp0.4.tar.gz 上端口大写P 为参数,2222 表示更改SSH端口后的端口,如果没有更改SSH端口可以不用添加该参…

MIT6.824 lab3 KVRaft实验分析

本实验中,不同clientId的用户会向当前认为是leader的kvServer发送请求 集群中有多个kvServer,每个绑定了一个Raft 集群中的kvServer会不断执行指令更新自身状态,也因此在写代码时要对ops的来源进行区分 来源1:client认为当前kvS…


数据安全治理的核心思想: 从某种意义上讲,要保证数据的绝对安全,就要将数据全部物理隔绝,变成“死”数据,这样是最“安全”的,既拿不走,也破坏不了。但这样做是否有意义?上面我们讲过…

洛谷P1993 小 K 的农场

题目描述 小 K 在 Minecraft 里面建立很多很多的农场,总共 n 个,以至于他自己都忘记了每个 农场中种植作物的具体数量了,他只记得一些含糊的信息(共 m 个),以下列三种形式描 述: 农场 a 比农场 …


1,首先要导入Com文件Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library.2,要添加Interop.Excel.dll文件http://files.cnblogs.com/ghostljj/Interop.Excel.rar3.执行下面步骤 /// <summary> /// 导出Excel /// </summary> /// <param name"dt">要导…


数据库的设计还是要结合业务模式来分析&#xff0c;例如OLTP通常采用航储存&#xff0c;OLAP通常采用列储存等等。 如果等值查询较多的话&#xff0c;那么按照哈希存储数据比较好&#xff1b;如果范围查询较多的话&#xff0c;那么按照有序数组储存数据比较好。 聚合操作&…